n the last decade, the number of companies that have begun to opt for teleworking has increased and become a trend that is stronger than ever. However, this new way of working implies changes in managing tasks and protecting information.    

The reality indicates that even today, many people do not consider the network's potential dangers; therefore, serious business data leaks can be generated, putting your company at risk. Therefore, cybersecurity education for remote work is vital to counteract these problems and build a relaxed and safe work environment.  

(If you want to make your company the safest place to work remotely, check out our Cloud and Security solutions for businesses here)  


Top 3 Security Risks in Remote Work 


All companies seek to achieve the maximum security of remote work. However, this way of carrying out tasks brings certain challenges that you should also consider. Remote work security risks can be grouped into access risks, fraud risks, and business network risks.  

  • Access risks refer to deficiencies in data protection, use of passwords, and lack of encryption, among other forms.  
  • In contrast, fraud risks point to the multiple identity theft attempts and false communications that any employee can receive via email.
  • And finally, corporate network risks relate to failure to maintain the overall security of the company's intranet.  


How to stay safe when employees work remotely?

  • Connections between home and work devices must be encrypted: For this, virtual private networks or VPNs must be established, a tunnel through which protected data passes.    
  • Use authorized tools: Companies should provide workers with the remote tools they need to ensure they are cyber-safe while telecommuting. We’d recommend using digital environments such as Cisco Webex. To learn more and start using this intuitive and secure space, click here.  
  • Do not download files: work in the cloud and do not download files with sensitive information to home devices.  
  • Individual access: do not give workers generic access to the systems, but rather individual access, so you know who is accessing it at all times. The more sophisticated version of this includes role-based security.    
  • Strong passwords: passwords to access company files or tools must be strong and expire within a reasonable amount of time. In addition, two-factor authentication should be implemented.  
  • Secure email: platforms must be used to send emails with high-security layers configured. In addition, workers must review all emails that reach these devices since cybercriminals will use phishing to access stored private information.  
  • Up-to-date operating systems: computers, tablets, laptops, or mobiles used to work from home must be up to date to avoid security vulnerabilities.  
  • Backup copies: critical information should be stored on external drives. The best version of this is to have geographical redundancy. Which entails having copies as far as four hundred plus miles away to ensure mission-critical activities even if a major natural disaster were to occur. 
  • Update the router: update it with the latest firmware.  
    Use reliable WIFI: do not get hooked on unknown WIFIs in addition to having a secure password for the one used.  

Teleworking has been strongly promoted due to the pandemic, but it is a practice that will surely extend for much longer; therefore, these recommendations will continue beyond the current scenario and must be complemented based on the new risks that may appear in the future.  

Here at Sigma Ridge, we specialize in Cybersecurity, IT solutions, support & managed services. Find out how we help you protect your company's security by clicking here. 


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